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  4. I have capsular contracture, am I a candidate for fat transfer?

I have capsular contracture, am I a candidate for fat transfer?

I had breast implants put in several years ago and I'm not happy with the results. They look great but are hard. I have silicone implants. I scar easily, and have loose skin and stretch marks on my lower body (where I would want the fat removed). My implants are 360cc. Am I candidate for your fat grafting procedure? I bleed/bruise extremely easily...even with acupuncture...after the implants my breast were black and swollen for weeks and fluid was draining to my hips. If so...what are the side effects?


Yes, we can help you replace your contracted scarred implants with your own fat harvested from your abdomen. Would recommend you send us photos of your torso and abdomen so we can better evaluate you and/or wherever you have extra fat to determine what can be done. Take a frontal view from chin to pubis and two obliques and two lateral views. The fat grafting procedure if well done has no significant side effects. That you bleed easily should not be a problem since we will not be doing any cutting except what is needed to remove the implants. This is considered minor surgery with rapid recuperation. For more information on cost please visit the insurance.

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EVEBRA: Non-Surgical Natural Breast Enlargement