45 year old woman with contracted and ruptured 12 year old implants. Markings for fat grafting and advancement of some loose peripheral tissue into the breast for added volume and to improved the shape.
Result one year after a single procedure consisting of removing the 320 cc implants and performing tissue advancement, fiber release and micro fat grafting. She now has all natural breasts with better shape and about the same size.
Sixty one year old woman with contracted and deforming 16 year old implants. Markings for fat grafting and advancement of some loose peripheral tissue into the breast for added volume and to improved the shape.
Result one year after a single procedure consisting of removing the 300 cc implants and performing tissue advancement, fiber release and micro fat grafting. She now has all natural breasts with better shape and about the same size.
Thirty nine year-old woman who had cosmetic breast augmentation with silicone implants 10 years prior to her presentation. Plastic surgeons insert implants either under the muscle or over the muscle. In her case, she had the right implant over the muscle that developed a deforming and painful capsular contracture and the left implant under the muscle that migrated inferiorly resulting in loss of the normal breast fold.
After 1 Year
Her implants were removed and her breast volume restored with microfat grafts meticulously placed in the tissue plane between the implant capsule and the skin. The capsule was treated with PALF and the breast fold was restored with a RAFT. At her one year follow up, she is implant free with satisfactory breast shape and volume. Note that even in the skinniest of patients we can always harvest enough fat from the "love handles" and give the patient an improved waistline contour.
Patient had implants that were hard and did not look natural.
After 1 year
One year later when the 800 cc implants were removed, the patient enjoys the benefits of natural breasts. Her breast implants were replaced with 360 cc + 300 cc AFT fat recruitment using fat transferred from the patient. The fat added a volume of 150 cc, reduced the implant cavity, repositioned the breast, and moved up RUQ scar.
The patients breast implant were were looking very unnatural and hard.
Implant Removal
You can see that when the implant were removed the patient had minimum volume in her breast.
When her breast implants were removed, her breast looked completely natural and were not hard. Notice the large difference between when the implants were removed and after
45 year old woman with contracted and deforming 10 year old implants. Markings for fat grafting and advancement of some loose peripheral tissue into the breast for added volume and to improved the shape.
Result one year after a single procedure consisting of removing the 360 cc implants and performing tissue advancement, fiber release and micro fat grafting. She now has all natural breasts with better shape and about the same size.
Patient has contracted ruptured implants removed (360 ml McGhan). Drawings show areas of planned liposuction (abdomen & flanks).
Follow up photo shows after removing the implants & one immediate session of lipografting 300 ml to the breasts. Some minor loss of volume, but more natural shape and benefit of liposuction.
Forty- four year-old woman with recurrent implant capsular contractures after a cosmetic augmentation with silicone implants. In addition to her augmentation, she had already undergone 6 open capsulectomies with removal and replacement of the implant in different pockets. She had consumed all modalities and presented with shriveled, contracted, deformed, and scarred breasts without implants.
After 1 year
At her one year follow up, her breasts are natural and fuller with an improved breast contour. Best of all, she no longer has implants. These breasts are entirely natural made of her own fat. Two BRAVA + AFT procedures with Rigottomies were used to soften the scars, iron out the breast envelope, and restore a near-normal breast shape and contour.
Sixty two year-old woman looking to remove her painful and uncomfortable twenty year old silicone after bilateral breast augmentation. She presented with implant rupture and the "rock in the sock" capsular contracture deformity.
After 9 Months
The implants were removed, the capsular scar was resected and released as much as possible. Then the looseness left behind by the implant removal was filled with her own liposuctioned fat. Nine months after the procedure, she has a stable augmentation. The volume is slightly smaller but the shape is improved. Her waistline also benefited from the liposuction.
Thirty six year-old woman with recurrent capsular contracture around her silicone implants. After multiple failed correction attempts with implant replacements and placement of dermal substitutes, she decided to stay implant free. She presented with a deformity akin to an iatrogenic tuberous breast. She is an athlete with very little body fat.
To ensure maximal survival of the precious fat, we expanded her scarred, recipient breasts with BRAVA and then loosened the breast cicatrix (scars) with Rigottomies to create a matrix with tiny spaces for the microfat grafts. This procedure regenerated the missing lower pole of the breasts without any incision or implants.
Fifty two year-old woman who had silicone breast augmentation and a mastopexy (breast lift) about 10 years before. She has large implants with intra-capsular rupture and grade 3 contracture. The vertical scar of the original left mastopexy incision has contracted and the tissues have thinned out to give her a bifid-like breast.
In the first stage, we removed the implant and filled the resultant tissue laxity with fat graft from her "love handles." One year after her procedure, she has an improved breast shape with little volume loss. Her waistline and buttocks also benefited from the liposuction.
Twenty six year-old woman with capsular contracture from her recent breast augmentation with silicone implants. The implants felt very uncomfortable, so she wanted to remove them.
After 1 Year
At 1 year follow up she has more natural breasts augmented only with her own body fat and only slightly smaller than the original silicone augmentation. MRI shows healthy augmentation with her own body fat. The implants were removed the implants and replaced the resultant tissue laxity with her own liposuctioned fat. Her overall body figure also benefited from the procedure.
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