Breast cancer awareness month special guest. Breast reconstruction with BRAVA.
Interview regarding breast reconstruction with fat transfer.
Interview regarding breast reconstruction with fat transfer.
Interview regarding breast reconstruction with fat transfer.
Watch Extras "Life Changers". Dr. Khouri explains growing new breasts.
(Spanish Language) Dr. Khouri explains on CNN Spanish BRAVA's role in reconstruction.
The Doctors highlight the benefits of wearing Brava.
Women who want bigger breasts without implants or scars now have another option.
Interview regarding breast reconstruction with fat transfer.
"Khouri performs innovative breast-reconstruction surgery using tissue expansion and fat a·ansfer (not implants).."
"A pioneer in fat grafting, Dr. Roger K. Khouri uses a patient’s own resources to mold a better body."
At American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Roger K. Khouri, MD, FACS presented a long-term study showing liposuctioned fat was now a "viable alternative to breast implants.
"The result, he says, leaves the patient with the sensations of a natural breast, unlike patients with implants, which do not contain nerve endings."
Megavolume lipografting, enabled by pregrafting external tissue expansion that creates an enlarged, vascularized space.
Dr Khouri and his colleagues were invited to comment on the prestigious Journal of American Medical Association on fat grafting as a third option for breast reconstruction.
You get rid of the fat where you don't want it, and you move it where you want it to be," said Khouri. The augmentation looks completely natural.
A key component of the operation, according to Khouri, was the use of a bra-like device he invented called the BRAVA.
A new and innovative technique has been used to restore a woman's breast after being lost to cancer. Roger K. Khouri, MD, FACS, has perfected the technique.
The patient is released from fat in problem areas and this is injected into the breast area, eliminating the need for saline implants ''he observes.
"Fat grafting for breast augmentation, as an alternative to the use of implants, is now claimed to be more effective using a technique developed by a Miami based plastic surgeon."
Miami Herald online producer Andrea Torres chronicles her experience as a breast cancer patient.
A South Florida plastic surgeon has developed a device to give women larger breasts by enhancing the results of fat.
"Ideally this is a great solution," McGuire said. "I have too much fat here, and my breasts are too small can you take this out and put it there?"
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